The South Range of the Sudbury impact structure has been affected by several orogenic events that have displaced and folded Huronian footwall rocks and Ni-Cu massive sulphide deposits at the base of the Sudbury Igneous Complex. New and novel exploration approaches are needed to increase exploration success.


    A 4-D interpretation of the tectonic evolution of the South Range before and after the Sudbury impact event has been developed. This integrates structural geology, metamorphic petrology and geochronology, and provides further clarity and understanding of the geology of the nickel-rich south rim of the Sudbury Igneous Complex.


    A new interpretation of the tectonic evolution of the South Range has been developed and multiple deformational phases postulated, providing a new framework for evaluating the present shape and distribution of Ni-Cu massive sulphide deposits along the south rim of the Sudbury Igneous Complex.


    Solution team

    • Damien Duff, CEMI
    • Peter Lightfoot, Vale
    • Lisa Gibson, Vale
    • Gregg Snyder, Sudbury Integrated Nickel Operations – A Glencore Company
    • Mike Sweeny, Sudbury Integrated Nickel Operations – A Glencore Company
    • Bruno Lafrance, MERC, Laurentian University
    • Tsilavo Raharimahefa (PDF), MERC, University of Regina
    • Claire McAneney, NSERC